
既設案件をリパワリング! 太陽光発電所の資産価値向上法とは。



















神奈川県横浜市港北区新横浜3-6-12 日総第12ビル10階

Repowering existing PV power plants

Incresing the value of PV power plants by “Ampt String Optimizers” for the secondary market

As a preparation for the developing secondary market, Ampt String Optimizers which enable to “repowering” is distinguished.

Text: Kosuke Oneda

Repowering the PV industry to increase the value of asset by enhancing the performance of PV power plants

The secondary market is gradually expanding today. “Ampt String Optimizers” is remarked when “repowering” is done to increase the value of PV power plants. PV power plants experience a loss in benefit capacities due to electrical mismatch with degradation from aging and environmental conditions, such as shade. String Optimizer can maximize the combined output by adjusting voltage amang arrays.Using Ampt String Optimizers also allows legacy inverters (PCS) to be replaced with lower-cost modern inverters. String Optimizers deliver full available power from the PV array at a fixed or narrow voltage range that can be set within the newer inverter’s operating range and below the maximum system voltage. This means higher efficiency 1000-volt inverters can deliver full rated power in 600-volt systems when deployed with Ampt. By using a higher efficiency inverter and increasing the performance of the array with string-level MPPT, overall system generation can be expected to increase by 6.5% to 8.5% as figure above. It may be better to consider early installing Ampt String Optimizers before 10 years, warranty period, pass. That is because it is expected to generate more profit by early installing Ampt String Optimizers. Moreover, “Communication Unite“ enable to monitor each string, and it can be early to find an accident. It lead to cost down for maintenance and reduce a less in electric generation. Ampt String Optimizers allow battery storage systems to be added to the DC side. Compared to AC-coupled storage, DC-coupled storage achieves higher roundtrip efficiency and captures energy that would otherwise be lost during utility curtailment and inverter clipping. For both existing and newly-established PV power plants, Ampt Strin Optimizers is an essential solution.

Reducing electric mismatch

Ampt String Optimizers reduce a less in electric power generation owing to the effect of shade and aging degradation. In this case, Ampt String Optimizers is installed in shaded array. It maximize the combined output of three power conditionor and reduce electrical mismatch. About the shaded array, electric power generation increace 8.2% for six months, from June to December, in 2018, compared to the last year.

Early replacement of the late model power conditionor

Using Ampt String Optimizers also allows legacy 600-volt power conditionor to be replaced with late model 1000-volt. Ampt String Optimizers adjust optimally output within the scale of stringlevel MPPT(from 530V to 550V). That make it possible to install 1000V power conditior without alteration of number of panels. Regar to the system operated for 5 to 10 years, it is expected to increase electric power generation by 6.5% to 8.5%.

Substantial maintenance by monitering system

By combining string monitering system that Ampt String Optimizers has with phyheliometer, it is possible to clarify the factor of differences of electric power generation among strings. Automatic-self-esteem can find problem early, and it can be also costdown for maintenance.

Support for effictively installing battery

Ampt String Optimizers has a technology, “Direct-To-Battery”. This technology can make it needless to add control device for battery because optimizer, battery and inverter share DC. It is possible to constract PV power plant reducing less of electricity with high efficiency battery

Ampt, LLC,

Nisso Bldg. 12, 10 Fl, 3-6-12 Shinyokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Ph: +81-(0)45-565-9977 www.ampt.com


RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載

Sponsored by アンプトジャパン合同会社



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vol.02 / ¥1,000