












東芝は、これまでに築いてきた予測技術や最適制御技術を集約し、「VPP as a Service」という新サービスを立ち上げる。主に電力会社やリソースアグリゲーター向けのサービスであり、そこにはVPPの運用を通して培ったデマンドレスポンス機能や蓄電池制御技術を投入していく。ユーザーが欲しい機能・サービスだけを、必要に応じて、必要な形式で受けることができるのも大きな特徴となっている。

「システム連携であればAPIで提供しますし、画面だけが欲しいのであればダッシュボードとして提供します。すべて任せたいということであれば、運用全部を我々で代行します」(東芝エネルギーシステムズ グリッド・アグリゲーション事業部 エネルギーIoT推進部部長 新貝英己氏)ということだ。発電事業者に対しては、東芝自身がアグリゲーターとなって再エネ電力を束ね、発電計画の業務を行うとともに、各種電力市場での最適取引を実施するサービスを予定している。再エネ発電事業者の利益最大化を、最新の予測・最適化・制御技術で支援しようとするものだ。


VPP as a serviceのサービスイメージ

必要な機能だけを必要に応じて利用できる「VPP as a Service」。需要予測、発電量予測、市場価格予測に加え、各種予測に応じて充放電をコントロールする蓄電池制御や、デマンドレスポンスにも対応する。



From Aggregation to Trading

The Optimum Operation & Trading Service For Renewable Energy That Sustains The Non-FIT Market

The environment for renewable energy is going to change greatly. The construction of independent business model that is not relied on FIT will be required soon. What does Toshiba, the company that operates the system stabilization with electric power companies, see in non-FIT market?

Text: Kimonori Hiromachi

The Market Trading of Renewable Energy What would change from now on?

In November 2019, FIT contracts for residential solar power are getting to be terminated one by one. Regards to large renewable energy generation facilities such as solar power for business, FIT itself is going to be terminated and FIP will be replaced soon. We have to build “non-FIT” business model from now on. For FIT, it could be purchased with fixed prices without doing anything. However, market trading will be the principle for non-FIT. Unless you sell it when the market price is high, it will be tough to make profit. From now on, the electricity optimum control and trading skills will be essential for all. Moreover, the renewable energy operators will be responsible for the balancing as well. They might get penalty if they don’t generate power as planned based on the precise prediction. It will be the crucial matter for resource aggregators who operate non-FIT power and electric power companies as well.

Prediction Technology Based On The Wealth Of Experience

Facing the rapid change of market condition, people are getting highly interested in the technology of Toshiba. Toshiba has long been providing the devices for major electric power companies, and involved in the management of the system stabilization. The company has improved its prediction technology and optimum control by working on the next generation network construction to sustain the massive introduction of renewable energy and VPP operation from earlier on. Toshiba won the grand prix in TEPCO & HEPCO’s solar power generating prediction competition as well as the first prize in TEPCO’s demand prediction technology competition 2018. It is said that Toshiba recently has been working on the price prediction technology of electric power market. These various technologies are expected to be very useful to the market trading and balancing of non-FIT business.

Toshiba’s Original New Service Aiming At The Partnership with European Major Company

Toshiba will launch “VPP as a Service”, the new service by integrating its prediction and optimum control technology. Its main targets are electric power companies and resource aggregators. Demand-response function and accumulator control technology based on VPP operation are planned to put into the service. The main feature is that the users can get the functions/services they want according to the user’s demand and format. “If the user needs a collaboration system, we will provide it with API. Or if the control screen is only needed, we’ll provide it as a dashboard. If the user wants to leave everything to us, we will operate all of them on behalf of the user.” Says Mr. Hideki Shingai (The Senior Manager of Energy IoT department, Grid Aggregation Division, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corp.). For electric power operators, Toshiba will work as an aggregator of renewable electric energy to provide them with the optimum trading service in each electric power markets as well as operate for the power generation plan. That is to support their profit maximization by its latest prediction/ optimum/control technology. Toshiba is now discussing with Next Kraftwerke(Germany), the world largest class VPP operator for business alliance. Next Kraftwerke has been accumulating the various know-how in Germany since 2012 when the country has transferred to FIP system. Toshiba is aiming at increasing its competitiveness at non-FIT market by associating with the company.

Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation

72-34,Horikawa-cho,Saiwai-ku,Kawasaki-shi,Kanagawa 212-8585,Japan
TEL: 044-331-1531 www.toshiba-energy.com


RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載

Sponsored by 東芝エネルギーシステムズ株式会社



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vol.02 / ¥1,000