中小企業等の再エネ転換を促す「再エネ100宣言 RE Action」が誕生!

「RE100」に参加できるのは、一定規模以上の電力を消費している企業に限られる。趣旨に賛同しながらも参加できなかった中小規模の企業や団体・自治体等のために、日本独自の新たな枠組み「再エネ100 宣言 RE Action」が誕生した。
「再エネ100宣言 RE Action」は、グリーン購入ネットワーク(GPN)、イクレイ日本(ICLEI)、地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)、日本気候リーダーズ・パートナーシップ(JCLP)の4団体が共同で、2019年10月9日に立ち上げた。
企業が自らの事業の使用電力を100%再エネで賄うことを目指す国際的イニシアチブ「RE100」との根本的な違いは、参加できる企業・団体の対象にある。「RE100」の対象が、年間消費電力量10GWh以上(日本の場合)の大企業であるのに対し、「再エネ100宣言 RE Action」は10GWh未満が対象となる。企業だけでなく地方自治体など行政機関、教育機関、医療機関などが参加できることも大きな特徴だ。
IGES専務理事の三好信俊氏に、「再エネ100宣言 RE Action」発足の経緯と背景を聞いた。
出典:公益財団法人 地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)
参加する企業・団体には、有形無形の多くのメリットがある。まず、社会的に意義のある活動に参加していることを、対外的にアピールできることが大きい。そのためのツールとして、「再エネ100宣言 RE Action」のロゴ使用が認められる。イベント等も予定されており、メンバー間の交流や情報交換ができるというメリットもある。
“RE Action Declaring 100% Renewable” Urges SMEs to Convert to Renewable Energy
RE100 is restricted to companies that consume a minimum amount of power. “RE Action Declaring 100% Renewable” is a new framework unique to Japan was created for small to medium-sized companies, organizations, and local governments that advocated the spirit of RE100, but were prevented from participating.
Text: Kiminori Hiromachi, Gaku Kurata
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Managing Director
Nobutoshi Miyoshi
A New Framework for Participation with Low Power Consumption
“RE Action Declaring 100% Renewable” was launched jointly by the Green Purchasing Network (GPN), ICLEI Japan (ICLEI), Institute fo Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), and Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership (JCLP) on October 9, 2019. What sets it apart from the international initiative RE100, that aims to have corporations displace their electricity usage with 100% renewable energy, is the target eligibility of corporations and organizations. While RE100 targets enterprises with annual electricity consumptions of over 10GWh (in Japan) per year, “RE Action Declaring 100% Renewable” targets levels of less than 10GWh. Another major feature is that it that participation is extended, not only to corporations, but also to local governments and other administrative institutions, educational institutions, and medical institutions. The four eligibility requirements are as follows. (1) Declaration of conversion to 100% renewable energy by 2050 (2) Annual progress report (3) Support for policy proposals pertaining to the spread of renewable energy (4) Must be a consumer of electric power (excluding power-related businesses)
Responding to the Needs of Small to Mid-sized Corporations Seeking to Covert to Renewable Energy
We asked Nobutoshi Miyoshi, Managing Director at IGES, to tell us about “RE Action Declaring 100% Renewable” and its establishment. “Approximately 40 to 50% of electric power consuming corporations and organizations in Japan are not qualified for RE100, and they number upwards of 4 million. Since the electricity purchase prices for SMEs are often set higher compared to those for large corporations, the hurdles for converting to renewable energy are relatively low, and the potential needs are considered high. As RE100 becomes more widely recognized, small to medium-sized companies and organizations have begun coming to us inquiring, “Can’t we participate in RE100?” Dealing with this situation led us to the launch of a new initiative that opens up participation to small to medium-sized organizations. As we continue to align with RE100, we intend to assert our intentions and exhibit our efforts towards 100% renewable energy, and aim to further promote renewable energy.
Bundling the Voices of a Wide Range of Consumers & Promoting the Expansion of Renewable Energy
There are many tangible and intangible benefits for corporations and organizations that take part. To begin with, participation in socially meaningful activities draws a great deal of public appeal. Members are granted permission to use the “RE Action Declaring 100% Renewable” logo as a showcasing tool. Events are also planned, where members can benefit from the opportunities for communication and the exchange of information. Furthermore, now under construction is a “Consortium for decarbonization” platform for expanding renewable energy that participating corporations and organizations can utilize to, not only procure renewable energy, but also expand the potential of decarbonization overall, such as movement towards EVs and energy conservation.
“Among the global corporations that join RE100, an increasing number have begun to urge their subcontractors to implement the use of renewable energy, as well. Even small to mid-sized companies can no longer avoid having to implement renewable energy sources. In these changing times, I would like to lend my support to acclimation efforts,” says Miyoshi. As of November 2019, the number of participating organizations is 42, and their total power consumption is 320GWh. In an effort to recruit more participation in the future, Mr. Miyoshi aims to, “elicit the demands of as many corporations and organizations as possible, to boost investment in renewable energy and bolster policies that promote renewable energy, and achieve an environment where all electric power consumers who desire renewable energy can procure it at a reasonable cost.”
RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載