

世界の大企業がRE100 やEP100 へ加盟し、“脱炭素社会実現”へ意欲を見せている。世界が脱炭素への動きを加速させる中、日本に求められることとは。RE100 を取りまとめる「We Mean Business」のナイジェル・トッピング氏に話を聞いた。


















学生たちによる草の根運動が世界中で盛り上がりを見せている。Friday For Future など、若い世代の気候変動をはじめとして、若い世代の“環境問題意識” が活性化されている。


We Mean Businessとは
We Mean Business は、企業や投資家の温暖化対策を推進している国際機関やシンクタンク等が運営しているプラットフォーム。構成機関にはCDPやThe Climate Groupが含まれ、E100やNET0(ネットゼロ)を取りまとめている。

Global shift to zero carbon Japan needs to be 100% committed

What should Japan do now while global leading companies join RE100 and/or EP100, accelerating the shift to the zero-carbon economy? Nigel Topping, CEO of We Mean Business, the global profit coalition who coordinates RE100, makes his recommendation on it.
Text: Yukiko Matsuoka
We Mean Business
Nigel Topping

The global movement to a zero-carbon economy When I was young, I played rugby for 20 years. One lesson I learned from rugby is that if you are not 100% committed, you will lose and you will get hurt. It is also applied to the economy and the competitiveness of whole industries and whole countries in the world. We Mean Business, a global nonprofit coalition, works with over 1000 companies, representing over $20 trillion of market capitalization. We Mean Business has two meaning in English: “We are serious and committed” and “we are business”. In other words, it is the movement of Committed Business. Corporate climate action helps drive stronger policy ambition, which in turn, gives businesses clarity to invest in their zero-carbon future. We call it the interplay between business ambition and policy ambition. Such ambition loops are more and more around the world. Nearly 700 companies have committed to Science-Based Targets (SBT). Over 100 of those have also committed to net-zero emissions by 2050. European Union has committed to a climate-neutral economy by 2050. 65 countries have done the same. All 94 affiliated cities of C40 Cities, including New York, London, and Tokyo, also have committed to net-zero by 2050. California has committed to net-zero by 2045.

Transition of the world’s economic systems to zero carbon

The world’s economic systems are in transition to zero carbon. Many companies in many sectors are committed to net zero, including Maersk, the world’s largest shipping company in Denmark, Daimler, the leading truck manufacturer in Germany, German cement manufacturer of HeidelbergCement, Indian cement manufacturer of Dalmia Cement, two of the world’s largest steel companies, ArcelorMittal in Luxemburg and ThyssenKrupp in Germany, two of the world’s biggest retailers, Amazon and Walmart in the United States, and Nestlé, the world’s biggest food company. More than 100 Japanese companies are also committed to bold climate action on our We Mean Business platform, including retail groups of Aeon and Marui, house builders of Daiwa House and Asahi-Kasei Homes, auto manufacturers of Toyota and Honda, and electronic groups of Hitachi and Sony. Over 80 Japan-headquartered companies have committed to Science-Based Targets (SBT). More than 200 companies in the world, including 26 Japan-headquartered companies, such as Fujifilm and Panasonic, have committed to source 100% renewable energy. Multinational companies, having big presence in Japan, like Google and Apple, are also expected to source 100% renewable energy. In November 2018, more than 90 Japanese companies, representing sales of over 70 trillion yen ($654 billion), called Japanese government t commit to net-zero domestic emission by 2050 in its long-term growth strategy. However, Japan did not commit to the level of ambition, which is the missed opportunity to provide businesses with the clarity they need to plan, invest, and innovate.

Japan needs to phase out coal without investing in stranded assets

Japanese power system is changing but needs to shift to renewable energy much faster and phase out coal. Japan is the only G7 country still building domestic coal at a time when we know it needs to be phased out and there are affordable alternatives. Japanese government is wasting taxpayers’ money, investing in what will become stranded assets. The recent report by Carbon Tracker and CDP estimates that the total risk of stranded assets is $71 billion. Japan should set a clear deadline to phase out coal power as the UK and Germany have done and stop public financing of coal internationally. The current Japanese long-term climate plan suffers from three types of bad thinking. Firstly, it suffers from bad economic thinking: investing coal, and then suggesting that adding the cost of the carbon capture and storage. Secondly, it suffers from a bad industrial strategy. In the 80s, Japan was 20 years ahead of the West, revolutionizing the way in manufacturing products. But now, if it misses to change itself, Japan will be 20 years behind the West. Finally, it suffers from bad morality. Instead of taxing coal, Japanese government is investing coal, which is like investing natural disasters caused by climate change, such as typhoons. To remain competitive and attracting investment, Japan must seize the opportunity of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) update cycle in 2020 to demonstrate global leadership by setting a clear strategy to net-zero emission by 2050 at the latest. Remember the lesson from rugby. You need to commit 100% or you lose.


非営利団体 We Mean Business



RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載



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vol.02 / ¥1,000