
系統柔軟性―― そこに蓄電池は必要か? 系統問題の第一人者に聞く!

この先、再エネを系統連系していくために欠かせないものは何か。日本では、まっ先に「蓄電池」が挙げられるが、それは正しい解答なのか。送電線の「空き容量問題」に火を着け、系統問題の第一人者として知られる安田陽氏(京都大学大学院 特任教授)に、その解を求めた。











出典:International Hydro Power Association「2019 Hydropower Status Report」(2019)より安田陽氏作成



出典:資源エネルギー庁 電力調査統計表およびISEP Energy Chartより安田陽氏作成






京都大学大学院 経済学研究科
再生可能エネルギー経済学講座 特任教授

安田 陽氏


Grid Flexibility ~ Are batteries Necessary? ~

What is essential for the grid integration of renewables from now on? Japanese people would say “battery” as the first answer, but we have to rethink if that’s the really right answer. We have interviewed Prof. Yoh Yasuda (Project Professor in Kyoto University), who set fire to “Vacant Capacity Issue” of the transmission lines and is known as the leading person of the renewable integration.
Text: Kiminori Hiromachi
Project Professor,
Research Programme of Renewable Energy Economics,
Graduate School of Economics,
Kyoto University
Prof. Yoh Yasuda

The Flexibility rather than batteries

The idea that “batteries are necessary to connect renewable systems to power systems”. is spreading out in Japan. It’s not rare that the renewable poperators are required to install battery for grid connection in Japan. It is to be thought that the battery (backup battery) is needed to mitigate the instability of renewables when connecting the grid. However, Prof. Yasuda says that this is “the common sense only in Japan”. “In the rest of world, flexibility is seen important as the barometer for the large-amount integration of renewable s, which is the ability to keep the balance of supply and demand corresponding to the system change that includes flexible generators, energy storage devices, system operations, and demand responses. They contributeol the balancing by using wide options according to each share level of renewables in the grid. Battery is considered as one of energy storage devices and one of various options, and it’s the option that to be taken as low priority. There are so many options before installing battery.” The cost of battery is getting more reasonable than it used to be, although still expensive. It takes an enormous cost to install new device into power plants and substations. And, there are various things to do before the installation such as establishing of an effective scheme in system operation or efficient use of the existing facilities.

Renewable Share in 40% – 50% Is The Boarder For battery

“When I attend international conferences, I am frequently asked ‘Why do Japanese make a unreasonable choice from economic point of view?’ I agree with this. It sounds strange for them that Japanese are trying actively to install expensive batteries at this share level. Batteries are considered as the option when the VRE (Variable Renewable Energy: Wind + PV) reaches the certain level. And, the circumstance in Japan is still far away from this level.” says Prof. Yasuda. The key is the cost effectiveness. He says “batteries will have enough economic rationality when VRE share has accounted for 40 – 50% in a power system.”. For your reference, current VRE share in Japan is about 7%. It will only be 10% even at the target in 2030 (It is said that “renewable share 22 – 24%” in “the Long-term Energy Supply and Demand Prospective” by the Government, but non-VREs such as hydro-power are included in the chart). From this point of view, you can tell that it is too early for Japan to install batteries.

Pumped Hydro For Renewables As The Option With Economic Rationality

Then, what is the better option for Japan? Prof. Yasuda showed us data of “pumped hydro” like world’s installed capacities and capacity factors in Japan. Although Japan possesses the world second largest capacity of pumped hydro, its capacity factor is only 7% on average even generation and pumping combined. If you raise the rate by just 1 %, its capability will be equivalent to those of all the batteries which have already been installed. Pumped hydro is one of the hydro-power, which raises and lowers water between the two ponds that has height difference. When the electric power generated at other power plants is excess, it consumes that electric power to raise water from the lower pond to the higher one and vice versa. In other words, it is the energy storage system with water usage. The installed capacity of “ variable speed pumped hydro” with high spec control ability in Japan is the top in the world. It was used mainly to control the output of nuclear power plants. Why not use it for renewable energy? It seems that the facilities are being used actively in Kyusyu area in recent years, but still not made use fully nationwide. “The usage of pumped hydro should be taken more priority than batteries.” (Pro. Yasuda). Moreover, the depreciation of most pumped hydro has been already completed, so we don’t need any investment for new facilities. In addition, it is said that discharge and charge cycle cost of pumped hydro is one-tenth or lower than that of chemical batteries. “It seems that existing facilities are not utilized effectively while new expensive devices are being introduced needlessly in Japan. If Japan keeps going this path, it will be left behind from the world. It is not about the issue of technologies but political institutions what we have to think about when it comes to the usage of pumped hydro as well as the grid operation. I suggest that now is the time to work on “innovation in social structure”, not only “innovation in technology”. We have to keep his words in mind as he has well seen the renewable Integration in the world.


RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載



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