
目標達成が30社超!? 世界のRE100の現在地を知ろう!

世界をけん引する大手企業は、その購買力と影響力を利用して、電力システムを大きく変革しつつある。2019 年は、CDPとThe Climate Groupが進めるRE100 イニシアティブにとって変革の年となった。


加盟企業数の地理的分布 出典:The Climate Group ANNUAL REPORT : RE100 PROGRESS AND INSIGHTS


加盟企業全体の年間消費電力 出典:The Climate Group ANNUAL REPORT : RE100 PROGRESS AND INSIGHTS



加盟企業の再エネ100%達成の状況 出典:The Climate Group ANNUAL REPORT : RE100 PROGRESS AND INSIGHTS

すでに3社に1社は目標の75%を達成しており、30社以上はすでに100%の目標を達成した。加えて、2社に1社は結果的にコスト削減も実現した。BMW、電通イージス・ネットワーク、Facebook、Iron Mountainの4社は目標を上回った。




2018年の加盟企業の再エネ消費量の4分の1は、新しい再エネプロジェクトや資金調達によるものであり、これは経済の好循環を生み出すと考えられる。例えば、Ingka Group と Googleは、それぞれ27億5000万米ドルと70億米ドルを、再エネ発電設備に投資した。


2020年からの10年は“The Climate Decade”と位置づけ、今世紀半ばまでに世界的なGHG排出量のネット・ゼロを達成するために世界を動かす10年とされた。2020年はその始まりの年となり、RE100イニシアティブはより一層活動を強化する予定だ。



More than 30 companies achieved their goals! The global situation of RE100

Companies leading the world are innovating systems for electricity by utilizing their capacity to supply & influence. 2019 is the revolutionary year for CDP and The Climate Group.
Text: Yukie Yamashita

211 memberships, the largest number so far Over 30 companies have achieved their goals

The number of RE100 membership companies has reached to 211, which is an increase of about one-third from the previous year. There were many participating companies from the Asia-Pacific region in 2019, accounting for 40% of the new membership companies. The number of Japanese companies has increased to 28, and Japan has become the third largest country after the UK. The total amount of electricity consumption of the membership companies is 228 TWh. If RE100 members were a country, they would be the 21st largest electricity consumer in the world. In the annual report for 2019, the high level of membership companies’ ambition and the speediness of their efforts were remarkable. The average goal for member companies to achieve 100% renewable energy is by 2028, with 75% of companies aiming for 2030 at the latest. One in three companies has already achieved the target of 75%, and more than 30 companies have already achieved the target of 100%. In addition, one in two companies saved costs as a result. BMW, Dentsu Aegis Network, Facebook, and Iron Mountain exceeded their goals.

The subject is the way to supply renewable energy-PPA accounts for 20%

Procurement means for renewable energy is sourced from PPA, which is a direct contract accounting for 19%, and the amount of electricity supply by this method has reached 14TWh. One quarter of renewable energy consumption amount of membership companies in 2018 come from new renewable energy projects and investments, which is expected to lead to a virtuous circle. For example, the Ingka Group and Google have invested USD 2.75 billion and USD 7.0 billion respectively in renewable energy facilities. Meanwhile, as barriers to renewable energy supply, prices of renewable energy and market structure remained to be problems. Particularly in Japan, it was pointed out that there are few ways to directly participate in the energy market, as renewable energy supply methods are limited in Japan and the price of renewable energy doesn’t go down. A decade from 2020 is positioned as “The Climate Decade” to move the world to achieve net zero of global GHG emissions by the middle of this century. 2020 will be the beginning year of the decade, and the RE100 initiative is looking to further strengthen the activities.


RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載



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