
再生可能エネルギーの主力電源化と国民負担低減を旗印に、FIT制度(再生可能エネルギーの固定価格買取制度)の抜本的見直しが進められている。その背景には、どんな理念があり、見直し内容はどこまで固まっているのか。資源エネルギー庁 新エネルギー課長の清水淳太郎氏に聞いた。
● 導入量が増加、コスト競争力の上昇が期待。
● 一方で、「固定価格買取」の結果、電力市場関係なく発電するため、非効率。
● 投資インセンティブは維持しつつ、電力市場と連動した仕組みに変更。
● 自家消費や地域内循環により、地域のレジリエンス強化に資する。
● 他方、コスト低下には課題。
● 地域への貢献/供給を要件に、FIT制度の支援を継続。
経済産業省 資源エネルギー庁 新エネルギー課長
清水 淳太郎氏
Background to fundamental review of feed-in tariff (FIT) system What are competitive power sources and regional power sources?
In its efforts to turn renewable energy into a main power source and reduce the national burden, the Japanese government is moving forward with the fundamental revision of its feed-in tariff (FIT) system. What is the philosophy behind the revision, and how much progress has been made? We recently posed these questions to Mr. Juntaro Shimizu, Director of the New and Renewable Energy Division at the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy.
Text: Kiminori Hiromachi
Director, New and Renewable Energy Division
Agency for Natural Resources and EnergyMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Juntaro Shimizu
Detailed system design in line with power supply characteristics
According to the latest figures, renewable energy, which made up roughly 10% of the energy mix before the FIT policy, has now reached 16.9%. It is safe to say that this increase could not have been achieved without the FIT system. There are, however significant differences depending on the type of power supply. Photovoltaic renewable energy has progressed rapidly, and costs have decreased. On the other hand, issues regarding increased load on the grid and symbiosis with local communities have emerged. In addition, renewables coming from other power sources have not increased. So what kind of energy system should we anticipate in the next 10 years? In order to realize a mix that generates 22-24% of power from renewable energy sources and turns renewable energy into a chief source, we need to adjust the system according to the characteristics of each power source. That is exactly what is happening now.
Competitive power sources shifting to feed-in premiums (FIP) scheme Making market transactions the norm
Headway is being made regarding inquiries into two major types of renewable energy sources—competitive power sources and local power sources. In the future, costs for competitive power sources such as large scale photovoltaic power generators must be reduced so they can compete in the energy market. While cutting costs associated with local power sources has proved to be challenging, these sources are expected to created added value outside power generation, including in the form of local production and consumption and resilience in the event of a disaster. As for competitive power sources, one notable pillar is the shift from the FIT system to a feed-in premiums (FIP) scheme (see page 42) and the integration into the electric power market. While energy is not sold by producers at a fixed price, an added premium secures investment incentives. Under this system, power producers are able to sell freely in the market. While this may give birth to new societal responsibilities, there are unprecedented business opportunities, including storage when the market price is low, sales when prices are high, and the aggregation and sale of small power sources.
FIT system applied to local power sources Locally responsible energy sources
The current policy involves evaluating local power based on each type of power source and applyig the FIT system to these sources under certain conditions. There is an increasing number of cases during recent disasters where renewable energy sources such as solar and biomass operate independently even during regional power outages. In addition, there are more local production and consumption models that utilize local resources to generate and consume electricity in the region. We would like to support projects that are conducted under local responsibility rather than simply purchased as opaque investment properties.
Towards a main source of energy Expectations for renewables business
In the case of any power source, the creation of societal value beyond simple power generation is very important. Under the new system, we can create new businesses, and as a result, ensure the introduction of vast amounts of renewable energy sources while reducing the burden on the public. It is critical to creating this type of trend as we work towards transforming renewables into the main power source and creating a renewable energy society. In line with these ideas, I hope we can continue to advance with our system reforms, construct pioneering models, and develop more profitable, synergistic renewable energy businesses. I am confident that this will result in further cost reduction and wide expansion of clean energy.
RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載