









※注 簡易な試算であることに加え、事業者によって送配電関連費用の構成や料金算定の根拠となる発電側及び需要側のkW 構成等が異なるため、実際の負担水準は異なる可能性がある点に留意する必要がある。








Generator-side billing system to be introduced in FY2023 A confusion arising for the operating solar plants

METI has embarked on detailing out the generator-side base charge system, as part of the revisions to be made to current wheeling charges for power grid. The plan is to introduce the proposed change in FY2023. However, various concerns have arisen, including how to apply this change to FIT-approved solar power plants that are currently under operation. The generator-side base charge is a new system in which the installers of power plants can also charge a portion in order to compensate the benefits generated by using the grid. The introduction of this system has been approved by the Cabinet in July 2018. Both operating power plants and future power plants will pay a certain price in order to cover fixed costs that are part of the total cost to maintain the upper transmission system that benefits both producers and consumers; this will include super high voltage substations and primary substations (Fig. 3). The total amount the generator-side will bear is approximately 10% of the unit wheeling charges, which is about 530 billion yen. Whether it is nuclear, coal-fired, or solar origin, the generators will pay about 150 yen per kW per month, which translates to about 1,800 Yen per year per kW. Some experts in the solar power industry criticize this new charge rule with regard to the way it proposes handling solar plants that are FIT approved and in operation. FIT-approved solar power plants have a fixed sell prices, thus producers cannot transfer the burden born by the new rule. In the beginning of July 2018 when the Cabinet passed the introduction of generator-side base charge, the plan was to apply some relief measures for all the operating FIT solar power plants. However, in August 2019 the Subcommittee for Introducing Large Amount of Renewable Energy and Next-generation Power Network under METI published its 3rd interim report, which included a 180-degree turn from the previous plan, stating that relief measures should not be applicable for the “profit incentive period” of the approved and operating FIT solar projects. The “profit incentive period” is a three-year period since the launch of the FIT system in July 2012, during which the purchase price was set higher. Specifically, it refers to the plants that were entitled to: 40 Yen/kWh (excluding tax) in 2012, 36 Yen/kW in 2013, 32 Yen/kW in 2014, and 29 Yen/kW by the end of June 2015. When considering the base charges of 150 Yen/kW/month in solar power terms, it translates to a cost increase of 1.4 to 1.7 Yen /kWh. This means that solar power previously sold at 40 Yen/kWh will be reduced to 38.3 to 38.6 Yen/kWh. Lawyers and solar power generators who are experts in renewable energy-related legal affairs express their concerns: “Solar energy occupies a small ratio of our energy supply portfolio. It is risky to introduce such a disincentive at this point of time, which will discourage investments in solar power generation. It would prevent solar power from growing to a stable source. In addition, such retroactive adjustments to the existing system will significantly lower the credibility of the country, making foreign investors skeptical about investing in Japan.” The introduction of generator-side base charges is confirmed, but the decisions on the relief measure for solar plants’ profit consideration period is a major issue that should be monitored carefully.

Mandating a disposal fee deposit Internal deposit is permitted if conditions are met

As part of the fundamental revision to the current FIT policy, a new obligation will be introduced to fund disposal costs associated with solar power facilities. This new rule is in response to the concern that damaged solar power equipment which is no longer usable due to, for example, disaster events is abandoned or illegally dumped, creating a new social problem. Once the purchase of commercial solar expires in 2032, it is greatly concerned that a large amount of solar-related waste will be generated, most of which will end up abandoned or illegally dumped. While the FIT purchase price takes into account disposal costs, and while there is a mandate since April 2018 requiring efforts to secure disposal costs, the review found that few entities have put this into practice. METI, therefore, decided to develop a follow-up measure. As a general rule, companies are mandated to fund externally the disposal cost through a coordinating institution which will be in charge of collecting such fees in a form similar to the tax withholding system. Where a generator is deemed responsible and capable of supplying stable solar power for a long period of time, it may be permitted to fund the cost internally. The scope of this new obligation is all photovoltaic power generation systems with more than 10 kW capacity that have been approved since the start of FIT. This is regardless of whether the plants are in operation or not. In terms of the amount, for those facilities that have been approved by the end of FY2019, it should be calculated based on the assumed purchase price, and for those after FY2020 the amount will be determined by the Procurement Price Calculation Committee. Bidding projects until the end of FY2019 will be adjusted based on the lowest winning bid, and for the projects after FY2020, it will be determined by the said committee. The deposit must be made monthly to accumulate for “10 years before the end of the purchase period”. If a company decides to continue a power generation business after the end of the purchase period, in which case it may involve replacing or repairing some parts of the solar system, the company may be granted access to the fund provided that several conditions specified separately are met. The same will apply to the proposed new scheme. The new requirement on disposal costs will come into force sometime before July 2022, ensuring sufficient time to inform the applicable entities.


RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載



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