














21世紀の社会をリードするのは「SDGs」と「パリ協定」。これらの国際協定が目指す持続可能な社会へのシフトこそが、地球社会が直面する大事業です。社会のもっとも基礎的なインフラである金融機能を通じて、「持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ」にある通り、“世界を変える”(Transforming our world)空前絶後の社会改革を支援することこそ、21世紀の金融機関の最大の使命といって過言ではありません。








1 金融の安定性の維持に万全の注意を払うこと=金融機関の最大の社会的責任

2 金融機関は「緩和」と「適応」の意図を鮮明にした金融行動をとるべきである。

3 自然災害対策や農林水産業対策等のために自治体と連携を強化




末吉 竹二郎氏

The Responsibilities And Actions Of Financial Institutions That Confront The Climate Change Risks

An Urgent proposal has been announced under the enormous damage by climate change. What is the required role and responsibility of financial institutions for social change? We have interviewed Mr, Takejiro Sueyoshi, the special adviser of UNEP Finance Initiative for the opinion.
Text: Kosuke Oneda
UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme) Finance Initiative
Special Adviser
Takejiro Sueyoshi

The Two Social responsibilities That Are Required Of Financial Institutions

Originally, financial institutions have two significant social responsibilities to take. The first one is “Financial License”. It is because of this special protection that financial institutions are allowed to conduct business activities different from other industries. Then, by whom the license was given? Primarily, it was by Financial Services Agency (Nation). However, to be precise it was given by society. In other words, “The society itself gave Financial License to them”, which means financial institutions are responsible for the society from the beginning. The other responsibility is that the money that financial institutions handle is not “The money owned by financial institutions”. For example, deposits are the money the customers own and pension funds are the money of the pension members. Therefore, “The money that financial institutions handle is the money of the society”, and it’s only natural that they should return the money to the society for good. When you think of that, then it is easy to understand that if the society is working on the decarbonization, they will be asked to work towards that way. Moreover, if the recognition of society is behind the standard, they should take the lead and actions towards decarbonization.

As The Examine Authority Of The Society Support The Unprecedented Revolution

It is impossible for financial institutions to survive if the foundation of the financial activities such as industries, economics, and social collapse. In the current situation that the global environment is getting worse, it is clear that financial institutions should conduct financial activities towards the decarbonization for their own self-defense. From these reasons, it is essential for financial institutions to have the awareness as “The examining authority for the society” to return the money back to society for good. The topics of “Mitigation” and “Adaptation” for climate change are as follow; Regards to “Mitigation”, there is “Divestment”, which is to withdraw the money from the projects that emit CO2. Pension funds and investment banks have already been retreated from those fossil-fuel related business. On the other hand, the massive capital investment for renewable energy is one of the examples of CO2 reduction projects. As for “Adaptation”, we can think of the financial backing for the urban development that is resistant to natural disaster, or the infrastructure improvement to protect houses from floods and so on. In addition, the new property insurance for victims’ support will be important, too. “SDGs” and “Paris Agreement” will lead the 21st-century society. The shift towards the sustainable society that those international agreements aim at will be the big project that the whole universe will confront. It is no exaggeration to say that the most important mission for financial institutions in 21st century is that to support “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, the unprecedented social revolution through financial function which is the most basic infrastructure of society. Here are 5 things financial institutions should invest bundle on now; 1, Transformation of industry structure for net-zero emission 2, Smart city construction for the activation of decreasing birthrate and aging of the population & underpopulated area 3, Education departments for young people that practice the 21st century lifestyle with a new sense of value and internationality (such as the establishment of SDGs department, etc.) 4, International cooperation department to support developing countries 5, Expansion of venture capital finance for innovation enterprises

The Role Of Regional Financial Institution For Not To Be Left Behind

Especially, regional financial institutions should accelerate their financial activities since the cooperation with local government is vital to take measures for the natural disaster such as flood damage in recent years and agricultural forestry industries & fishers. The mission of regional financial institutions is to activate their local areas. With the activation of local areas, the successful results of institutions can have true meaning. If local areas are decaying when those institutions are flourishing, that means they are mistaking the means for the end. With this view, I suggest reconfirming the good method of SDGs. Apply the 17 goals of SDGs to the local areas, and regional financial institutions tackle the problems as the leader. They should address the local stakeholders to work on the innovation of areas. We have to face global problems more seriously and directly down to regional financial institution levels. The Japanese government is still increasing coal-fired powers, and turning its back on the acceleration for renewable energy. Financial institutions should not just take the orders from the government without thinking, but see the world from own points of view to take actions towards zero-emission with critical attitudes. Otherwise, Japan will be left behind from the world for 10 years. If Japan really wants to tackle the global problems with the world, it’s better to keep making “the duck’s web” efforts from the early stage.


RE JOURNAL vol.2(2019-20年冬号)より転載



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